The World of Software Quality Assurance in Video Game Development

The LINKAGES and the University of Baguio’s School of Information Technology students hosted the “ETEEAP Enhancement Program: Software Quality Assurance” on November 24, 2023, at the University of Baguio Centennial Hall. The FLDRP1-IBD_2324A class actively participated in the seminar, which Ms. Lorie Narag and Ms. Mary Grace Bastian lead

Renowned industry expert, Engr. Timothy Jhon Pascual discussed the difficulties of software quality assurance in the spotlight, highlighting how difficult it can be in the quick-paced video game development industry.

A wide variety of experiences, such as lively debates, painstakingly prepared presentations, live demonstrations, and thought-provoking conversations, were offered to attendees. An industry legend, Tech. Timothy Jhon Pascual, walked us through the intricacies of software quality assurance, illuminating its subtleties about video game development.

The seminar aimed to present software quality assurance methodologies with a focus on video games. A few essential subjects covered were Sikuli, JIRA, KIWI, Apache Jmeter, and AGILE Methodology. Tech. Timothy demonstrated the use of Apache Jmeter and Sikuli through live demonstrations and the introduction of alternative software like KIWI.

The workshop successfully acquainted attendees with the critical processes and instruments required for efficient work completion and for guaranteeing software quality. It combined instructive lectures, hands-on exercises, and lively debates to give attendees a thorough grasp of software quality assurance.

A random facts Kahoot quiz was one of the icebreaker activities designed to engage and captivate attendees. The winner had an immersive learning experience and received a Cadbury chocolate.

The seminar’s influence on the audience went beyond merely imparting knowledge. After the event, attendees gained helpful knowledge and doable solutions that would enable them to establish strong quality control procedures in their respective fields of expertise. Because of the session’s thorough coverage, participants were able to envision and raise the bar for software development practices.

Participants’ interest in software quality assurance was piqued by this seminar, which also revealed its complexities. It acted as a spark for beneficial changes to the constantly changing field of video game development. The influence of this learning platform continues long after participants leave, influencing the next generation of software quality assurance professionals.

Written by Laverne Thea Ferrer

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